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The founder of Living Illumination.

Kristy Kaye is an author, spiritual life coach, counsellor, writer, and instructor of spiritual courses for beginning to advanced states of consciousness. 

She has been on this journey for more than thirty years and has been guided too author numerous interactive one to one healing profiles and consultations creating paradigm shifts in people’s lives. She has extensive experience in training, writing and presenting courses as a spiritual medium.

And Kristy Kaye has written two of the most important spiritual books of all time.

  1. One of the most useful and practical books on awakening and enlightenment: The Constitution of Our Soul
  2. And the first of its kind a book for raising Children with awareness and energy enlightenment: Raising Children Soul to Soul

We have Kristy's two books available on this web site (See Books) & you can also go to the Kristy Kaye Website for more information.